Anubis Rex

Although Anubis Rex is purportedly fictional, one wonders at the many coincidences in it between today’s turmoil and the book's plot. Germ warfare, infectious diseases, Muslims, gene manipulation, white supremacy: subjects not unknown to us.  Mears' novel opens in 1936 but it could be 2004. A melodic modern fable that is no fairy tale.  The author’s language is so descriptive, his fast-paced plot so moving, one has a hard time putting the book down. Yet his complex,poetic narrative, character-driven as well as multi-charactered, forces the reader to concentrate, to think, to visit the chapters more than once. A fresh concept in today’s simplistic, formulaic offering of novels. To me, this exciting novel (a fable interwoven with historical fact and a taste of history repeating itself) would also make a fabulous film. Educational yet thoroughly entertaining. I truly hope to see a sequel soon! - D.S.

    (First Edition)



Marin Co., California

re:  Marin Independent Journal

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Nov 01, 2008

Anubis Rex" by Richard Chase Mears

Anubis Rex is a thriller, espionage, adventure story that you won’t want to put down until the last page!”  

-Lisa Kelly

“This book is full of action, love, and horror.  Anubis Rex is perfect to read while traveling on a train, since a lot of the story takes place on one...”

-Joan Geider

Anubis Rex reminds me of Raiders of the Lost Arc, but a book for adults!  Suspense to the max!”

- Lara Margolis

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Anubis Rex-The Jupiter File 

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